50th Birthday Shirt For Men
If you're not 100% happy with your order, send it back within 30 days and we'll gladly refund your money or exchange your item, no questions asked.
For most orders, please allow up to 15 business days for delivery. We use this timeframe as a precaution to ensure your order delivers in time, but in most cases orders arrive well before the maximum timeframe.
Estimated delivery time to US: 10-14 business days
Estimated delivery time to Mexico: 10-20 days
Estimated delivery time to Australia & New Zealand: 20-24 days
Estimated delivery time to Canada: 10-14 days
Estimated delivery time to U.K: 12-15 days
Estimated delivery time to Europe and surrounding countries: 13-15 days
We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return or an exchange.
To start a return, contact us by sending an email.